Registration to the JONSMOD Conference should be made in advance. Dates and fees Registration Deadline Costs Ealry bird 31 August 2018 250 € Regular rate for presenting authors (oral or poster) 30 September 2018 300 € Regular rate for not presenting authors 7 October 2018 300 € The registration fee includes: Welcome Cocktail on October 17 Open coffee service during breaks 3 lunches on conference days Social Dinner on the evening of October 19, 2018 Delegate kit with conference programme and the electronic book of abstracts. Payment details: On-site registration will not be allowed. Registration should be made in euro by a bank transfer to: Consorzio LaMMA Via Madonna del Piano 10 50019 Firenze Bank: Monte dei paschi di Siena IBAN: IT 73 K 01030 02818 000000418477 SWIFT CODE: PASCITM1F17 (Only for transfers from foreign countries) You should also specify that reason for payment is: JONSMOD registration fee for (your name) Registration form For Conference registration, please download and fill in the registration form provided. Send the filled form and the bank-transfer invoice to: Back to JONSMOD home page.