SST MAP (mean on previous 7 days) EuroMediterranean Maps Last 24 hours 3-hourly average MSG Sea Surface Temperature Last 24 hours (time step 3-hours) Mon,23May2011 09:00 UTCMon,23May2011 12:00 UTCMon,23May2011 15:00 UTCMon,23May2011 18:00 UTCMon,23May2011 21:00 UTCTue,24May2011 00:00 UTCTue,24May2011 03:00 UTCTue,24May2011 06:00 UTCTue,24May2011 09:00 UTC Mean of previous day Sea surface temperature assessment method with MSG The automatic real-time procedure for sea surface temperature retrieval (SST) processes data from the METEOSAT second generation satellite (MSG) in the spectral channels, in the thermal infrared band. These observations provide data at 15-minute intervals, with a spatial resolution of some 4-5 km at our latitudes. The data are then processed, making it possible to construct a daily SST cycle, and thus to reduce the surface area hidden by clouds. SST is calculated using a non-linear "split-window" algorithm, based on the EUMETSAT O&SI SAF procedure, applied trhoughout the day and night. The "split-window" technique (which simply uses the temperatures of two different spectral channels) means SST values can be corrected for atmospheric effects, particularly water vapour. Composite SST maps are produced for the Euro-Mediterranean area for 3-hour, 24-hour and 7-day periods. The white areas of the image represent surface areas covered by clouds during the entire interval of time in question; hence for these pixels it is not possible to give an SST value. The SERVICE is currently experimental as validation tests are still underway.