The LaMMA consortium provides environmental education and scientific information activities for primary and secondary schools in Tuscany, both in the form of specific projects and in response to requests from individual schools, with lessons arranged at the schools themselves or at our premises. The scientific and environmental information activities involve research sectors linked with meteorology, climatology, the carbon cycle, biometeorology, energy saving and environmental sustainability. In these spheres of activity, LaMMA, in collaboration with CNR's Institute of Biometeorology, offers a range of opportunities to get involved, in response to the different requests from schools. A few examples: Explanatory lessons: for many years, researchers from CNR and LaMMA have been offering educational activities for classes that request them. Lessons take place either on our premises or in the schools' own classrooms, and are structured so as to allow the pupils to take an active part. Training seminars for teachers: on our own initiative or as part of European projects, meetings and seminars have been organised for secondary and tertiary teachers on the themes of meteorology, climate change, the carbon cycle, and environmental sustainability in general. Production of teaching materials: as a result of our educational activities, various printed and digital materials have been developed to support teaching on the scientific topics covered. Some of them can be downloaded from our Teaching materials page. Laboratory visits: many schools ask to visit the LaMMA laboratories, and in particular the Meteorology Room, in the Research Zone of the Science Complex in Sesto Fiorentino, where students can meet the meteorologists and see for themselves how the weather forecasts come about. See also: Visiting LaMMA. Visitare il LaMMA. The LaMMA Consortium offers materials for further study and support for teachers interested in the consortium's specialist scientific areas. This video by CNR web TV shows students realising the weather bulletin during one of the educational modules which take place at LaMMA Labs.