The LaMMA Consortium
The LaMMA Consortium

LaMMA, Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Laboratory for the Sustainable Development, is a public consortium between the Tuscany Region and the Italian National Research Council.


Research at the service of the Tuscan territory and community


Thanks to its particular nature that places it at the intersection between the world of research and the public service, LaMMA can make available to Tuscany communities and beyond the high value-added services developed within the National Research Council 

The synergy between the research component and the operation required by regional services has pushed LaMMA to develop products and services with a high technical-scientific added value starting from the developments in the numerical modeling sector for meteorological and oceanographic forecast, thus becoming the first operational meteo-oceanographic service.

These skills have earned him a leading role even beyond regional borders, such as support in the management of the removal of the wreck of the Costa Concordia from the Giglio Island (2012-2014), the memorandum of understanding with the National Coast Guard for the employment of LaMMA weather-marine modeling for Safe and Rescue operations in Italian seas including the management of migrants in the Strait of Sicily. LaMMA has also been appointed as a member of the National Steering Committee for Meteorology and Climatology of the brand new ItaliaMeteo agency.

If the Tuscany Regional Government is configured as the main client of the Consortium, through the ordinary activities and services provided for by law, including support for the Civil Protection system, LaMMA is strongly engaged in research and development activities both through participation in national tenders and international Projects and, to a lesser extent, with services developed for the business world.



The main office of the Consortium is located at the CNR Research Area in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), in addition to the two branch offices in Livorno and Grosseto.

From an operational point of view, LaMMA is organized into four divisions, three of a technical-scientific nature specifically of research and innovation and one of a management nature.

Physics of the atmosphere
The activities related to observation systems and meteorological modeling at different spatial scales belong to this sector. The best-known weather forecast service for Civil Protection purposes is also accompanied by the forecast of urban pollutant concentrations, seasonal forecasts, the forecast and analysis of heat waves, drought monitoring services, etc. Research activities on local climatology and, more generally, the study of local climate changes also belong to this sector.
Managed by  Dr. Alberto Ortolani:

The sector includes activities relating to observation systems and modeling of the state of the sea and coastal dynamics, both physical and biogeochemical, to support activities relating to the protection of the environment and marine ecosystems, safety at sea and in particular navigation , monitoring, management and protection of the coastal strip.
Managed by Dr. Carlo Brandini:

The division deals with the design, construction, management and maintenance of territorial databases. The sector develops and manages territorial information in support of Soil Defense and Territorial Planning activities through the publication and sharing of data. It supports the regional SITA in the production, updating and publication of territorial databases. The activities developed, ensuring compliance with European and international standards, are also required by other entities that must provide services and information within the regional system.
Managed by Dr. Lorenzo Bottai:


Technical and Functional Division
The Technical division is in charge of the planning and management of activities, regulatory and institutional compliance, relations with shareholders and other administrations, technical-IT support, administration, economic monitoring, communication and outreach actions. and activities with schools.
Managed by Dr. Manuela Corongiu:

More information available in the area Amministrazione Trasparente: Atti generali  -  Organi di Indirizzo Politico 


In this  video  the Sole Director Bernardo Gozzini presents lamMA activities (in Italian)

















People are the true value of the whole structure

LaMMA services are the result of multiple and valuable scientific, technological and operational skills but are above all the result of the will, skills and commitment of a group of people who in the last twenty years have contributed a day after another to building this structure and to make it what it is today.