Synthesis 6 - 15 days Updated Thursday 19 September 2024, 09:23 Thursday 19 Weather: cloudy, later decreasing cloudiness, chance of scattered rain. Wind: light easterly wind. Sea: smooth. Temperature: steady. Temperature Max UV Max UV Max UV Arezzo11 °C1 Lucca12 °C1 Pistoia11 °C1 Firenze12 °C1 Grosseto14 °C1 Massa15 °C1 Prato11 °C1 Pisa13 °C1 Siena12 °C1 Livorno15 °C1 Friday 20 Weather: mostly sunny; cloudy over hills and mountains in the afternoon, chance of scattered showers. Wind: light easterly wind. Sea: smooth. Temperature: steady. Temperature Min Max UV Min Max UV Min Max UV Arezzo-2 °C9 °C1 Lucca0 °C11 °C1 Pistoia-1 °C11 °C1 Firenze-2 °C11 °C1 Grosseto2 °C13 °C1 Massa3 °C11 °C1 Prato-2 °C11 °C1 Pisa1 °C13 °C1 Siena0 °C11 °C1 Livorno1 °C13 °C1 Saturday 21 Weather: cloudy. Wind: light. Sea: smooth. Temperature: steady. Temperature Min Max UV Min Max UV Min Max UV Arezzo3 °C9 °C1 Lucca4 °C12 °C1 Pistoia3 °C11 °C1 Firenze3 °C11 °C1 Grosseto5 °C13 °C1 Massa5 °C13 °C1 Prato3 °C11 °C1 Pisa4 °C14 °C1 Siena5 °C11 °C1 Livorno9 °C14 °C1 Tendency