On 20 December 2007, the Region of Tuscany, the Italian Research Council and the Foundation for Climate and Sustainability established the LaMMA Consortium - Environmental Modelling and Monitoring Laboratory for Sustainable Development, which is incorporated, and autonomous in terms of administration, organisation and accounts (Regional Law n°. 35 dated 23/02/2005). The Consortium was born out of the project "Laboratorio di Meteorologia Modellistica Ambientale" (LaMMA), which was in turn formed in 1997 by the Region of Tuscany (General Direction for Economic Development, Department of Production Activities) in cooperation with the Italian Research Council (Institute of Biometeorology), with the aim of creating a point of contact between officialdom, the bodies of scientific and technological excellence, industry and the various public services. Its main offices are hosted at the premises of IBIMET, in the Sesto Fiorentino Research Zone (Florence), with two other satellite offices located in: Livorno, the centre for marine meteorology and modelling, serving maritime transport and coastal production businesses; Grosseto, the centre for the study of soil erosion and water resources. The LaMMA Consortium performs two types of closely interrelated activities: technical services, and comprehensive research and innovation activities, thus constituting a centre of excellence. The main sectors in which the LaMMA Consortium specialises are meteorology, climatology, geographic information systems (GIS) and geology. The Consortium has also acquired considerable experience in the field of atmospheric pollutant dispersion modelling, anemological studies for the purposes of exploiting wind energy, marine and oceanographic modelling, monitoring of pollutants and the state of health of the sea, and monitoring of vegetation. The research projects and technical services developed by the consortium often involve the use of territorial information systems for the management of resources and environmental risks. We use advanced modelling, and process data from a wide range of sources, but principally from satellite. Download Activity Sheets in ENG