Prepare Use a text editor of your choice to compile your abstract. The abstract should be organized as follows: title, author(s), affiliation(s) of author(s), and abstract text. Your abstract body should have a length of about 100-500 words. Send Send the abstract to the address: In the body of the email please specify your preference for poster or for oral presentation. However, there is no guarantee that an oral preference can be realized, depending also on the number of received proposals. Deadline for submission of abstracts is extended until July 15, 2018. Feedback In case of a successful submission, you will receive an abstract acceptance email by July 30, 2018. Even if your abstract proposal should be refused, you will be informed by email. In case you should not receive any email, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Publishing opportunities A publication of mature results will be proposed in a scientific journal in the framework of a special issue (following a peer review process). See for instance the "Jonsmod Topical collection" in Ocean dynamics. Back to JONSMOD home page.