As part of the projects and research activities in which it is involved, LaMMA organises workshops and conferences at national and international level. These are configured as both a scientific value events, moments of confrontation between researchers from other countries and institutions, both as outreach opportunities and dissemination of research results and activities within individual projects. About the past workshops, you may find presentations and images made available by the speakers (mainly in Italian). Next conferences and workshops JONSMOD Conference Florence, 17-19 October 2018 Past Workshops Workshop "Study day on Air Pollution" Sesto Fiorentino, 28 March 2017 Workshop organized by Ibimet CNR, Department of Physics of the University of Florence and from the Florence section of INFN with the aim of bringing together research groups working on similar issues and encourage possible partnerships. Go to Workshop page (in Italian) Final Workshop on PROFUMO project Rome, 31 March 2016 The workshop was organised by LaMMA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The goal was to present the technical and scientific results to key stakeholders, in order also to promote their later stages, so that what has developed into PROFUMO fulfilment in a commercial operating service. Go to the workshop page - See the event Report Workshop LIFE+IMAGINE Florence, 18 March 2016 The focus of the conference was the connection between the territorial government requirements and technological tools to support decisions. The workshop takes stock of the results achieved within the project LIFE+IMAGINE, which implemented an infrastructure based on web services for environmental analysis with the aim of providing information in support of coastal planning and decision makers in some pilot sites in Liguria and Tuscany. In particular, the project considered two scenarios: landslides and land use in coastal areas. Go to the workshop page (in Italian) Final workshop of project "SICOMAR" Marine Control System Livorno, 20-21 October 2015 During the two-day workshop, the results of the SICOMAR project were presented. The project was financed by the Interreg Maritime Programme of cross-border cooperation Italy-France. SICOMAR is aimed to build an integrated system for marine safety and an environmental monitoring in the marine area between Tuscany, Corsica, Liguria and Sardinia. Go to the workshop page (in Italian) Proterina-DUE - "The regional monitoring network for the new Alert System for CIvil Protection" Castiglione della Pescaia (GR), 29 September 2015 The final workshop of the Proterina-Due project was organized by LaMMA to present the activities implemented to upgrade the Tuscan monitoring network with new tools and sensors for environmental monitoring. In particular, researcher presented the new X-band radar, which has been installed in Castiglione della Pescaia, the measuring instruments that enhance the regional monitoring network and new equipment for the Civil Protection operations rooms. Go to the workshop page (in Italian) GEOBASI: a project for the Tuscany Geo Chemical Data base Sesto Fiorentino, 27 May 2014 The workshop, organized by the LaMMA Consortium and the Tuscany Region, was directed to present the new regional geochemical database aimed at collecting the results of geochemical analyzes carried out over time in Tuscany by various institutions. The project is carried out through the collaboration of various institutes: the Pisa section of the National Research Council, the Universities of Florence, Pisa and Siena, the Tuscany Environmental Agency ARPAT, the LaMMA Consortium and thee Tuscany Region Administration. . Go to the workshop page LIFE+IMAGINE - Integrated coastal area Management Application implementing GMES, INspire and sEis data policies. Livorno, 12 December 2013 The workshop was organized as part of the dissemination activities of LIFE+IMAGINE project. The meeting was an opportunity for discussion and debate between scientific and institutional stakeholders on the issues of landslides and land loss, and, more in general, of the territories susceptibility to hydrogeological instability. Go to the workshop page COSMEMOS WORKSHOP Innovation in Meteorology for maritime navigation Livorno, 23 October 2013 Workshop organised by the LaMMA Consortium as part of the European project Cosmemos, a research project funded by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission. The main themes of the workshop focused on meteorological cooperative observations and new approaches based on the elaboration of satellite-based GNSS signals. Other topics covered the techniques of local data assimilation in meteorological and marine models and weather-routing for navigation. Go to Workshop Page (in English) - Go to the event fast report AIR QUALITY: MODELING and CHEMICAL PHYSICS MEASURES Sesto Fiorentino, 15 May 2013 During the seminar, organised by the Institute of Biometeorology of National Research Council and the LaMMA Consortium, researchers gave presentations about air quality modelling and about specific analysis techniques applied to experimental measurements. Go to the workshop page and presentations CROSS-BORDER RADAR MOSAIQUE "The contribution of the Cross-Border Meteorological Radar Network for the hydrological risk reduction: characteristics, potential and future developments ” Livorno, 27-29 November 2012 - ResMar Project During the workshop, organised in collaboration with the Port Authority of Livorno, two new weather radar systems were presented. One was installed by LaMMA at the Elba Island and the other one was installed by the Livorno Port Authority within the area of the port. Future developments of meteorological radar network have also been discussed. Go to the workshop page COASTAL OBSERVING AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS, TODAY & TOMORROW Livorno, 18-19 Aprile 2012 - MoMar project An international workshop focused on reviewing existing systems for control and forecast of marine coastal areas. The workshop was dedicated to observational systems, operational coastal hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modelling, integrated systems and coastal observatories, and applications of integrated systems. Go to the workshop page